
(Fire Risk Assessment)             

Staff Training

Our staff training service involves training your staff in there responsibilities in the event of a fire alarm sounding, or a fire occurring at your premises.

Key Benefits


        Training in the use of Fire Fighting equipment.
Your staff will be provided with a first class introduction to the equipment at their disposal.  Your trainer has over 15 years experience in training basic and advanced fire fighting techniques.
          Training for the event of fire.
Actions in the early stages of a fire affect the overall impact on your business.  Your staff will be trained in the actions necessary to protect everybody on your premises and to reduce the impact on your business to an absolute minimum.
          Training for the event of a fire alarm actuation.
Your staff will be trained in the actions necessary to respond to a fire alarm actuation to ensure everybodys safety whilst keeping disruption to your business to a minimum.


Pre Christmas Offer!

15% Off All Staff Training!

Information & Quotation

For further information and / or a quotation please submit the following details: